Set-up instructions

Kitchen, Step 1: Fasten top yellow anchor to tree, this is easier with large table detached. Insert poles into sleeves on the underside of the large table. Step 2: Attach webbing to the four corners of the large table. Step 3: Attach green vertical webbing to centre back of table. Step4: Find centre point of lower (yellow) anchor, wrap it once around the tree then clip it to front corners of the table. The black sticky sleeve on the yellow webbing should be around tree. Step 5: Attach security webbing at the back of the table, around tree trunk. Lastly, customize your kitchen by adding accessory dish rack pouch, spice rack and garbage pouch (which is the bag the kitchen comes in, line it with plastic bag before use).

Canoe Table, Step 1: Secure yellow webbing around the tree as high as you can comfortably reach. Step 2: Place hook under gunwale of overturned canoe

on side that is against the tree. Locate it about one third from the end of the canoe, about where the bow seat is. Step 3: Place the second hook under the far gunwale. Raise it to the desired height using the adjustable fastex buckles. Step 4: Attach lower anchor to the tree so canoe can't move in the wind. Prop the deck of the free end of the canoe up on a packsack or other stable object. Don't sit on the canoe! It's a table not a seat.

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